Latest Hawks | Which Pro Hero are you destined for? (BNHA) | Personajes de anime, Imagenes de manga anime, Poses de manga

Posted on March 5, 2021 by
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The hero you are destined for is Hawks, the current no. 2 pro hero. Hawks comes across as carefree and cocky, but he is a very determined individual. He strives to get what he wants, and that includes you. He is attracted to your bold, yet laid back attitude and enjoys being in your company as much as he can. He may not be the most romantic partner, but he'll always have your back.

Anime Characters

05-mar-2021 - The hero you are destined for is Hawks, the current no. 2 pro hero. Hawks comes across as carefree and cocky, but he is a very determined individual. He strives to get what he wants, and that includes you. He is attracted to your bold, yet laid back attitude and enjoys being in your company as much as he can. He may no…

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