New Liz Y Ahmet-британский художник-самоучка - MiX-PiX | Работы, выполненные углем, Художественная роспись, Портретный рисунок

Posted on June 1, 2022 by Mahealani Ishizaki
Draw Sketches Portrait Drawing Portrait Art Ilustrasi
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Liz Y Ahmet is a UK-based, self-taught artist who creates portraits of women from hundreds of scribbled lines. What looks chaotic and even a little bit messy at first glance, with the talented hands and creative mind of this contemporary artist, emerges into perfectly detailed, expressive, and dynamic portraits. It's amazing how looping and scattered lines we used to draw as children can convey such strong emotions.


07.08.2020 - Liz Y Ahmet-британский художник-самоучка, который создает портреты женщин из сотен набросанных линий. То, что выглядит хаотично и даже немного беспорядочно на

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New Portrait Drawing